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Configure Tracks on UCSC Genome Browser: D. melanogaster Aug. 2014 (BDGP Release 6 + ISO1 MT/dm6)
  Tracks:    Groups:
Control track and group visibility more selectively below.
JASPAR2020 TFBS dm6 TFBS predictions in Drosophila melanogaster (dm6) for all profiles in the JASPAR CORE insects collection (2020)
JASPAR2022 TFBS dm6 TFBS predictions in Drosophila melanogaster (dm6) for all profiles in the JASPAR CORE insects collection (2022)
-   PhyloCSF    
PhyloCSF Novel v6.15 PhyloCSF Candidate Coding Regions (PCCRs) Not In flybase v6.15 Gene Set
Smoothed PhyloCSF Smoothed PhyloCSF
     PhyloCSF-3     Smoothed PhyloCSF Strand - Frame 3
     PhyloCSF-2     Smoothed PhyloCSF Strand - Frame 2
     PhyloCSF-1     Smoothed PhyloCSF Strand - Frame 1
     PhyloCSF+3     Smoothed PhyloCSF Strand + Frame 3
     PhyloCSF+2     Smoothed PhyloCSF Strand + Frame 2
     PhyloCSF+1     Smoothed PhyloCSF Strand + Frame 1
PhyloCSF Regions PhyloCSF approximate coding regions
     PhyloCSF-3Regns     PhyloCSF approximate coding regions, Strand -, Frame 3
     PhyloCSF-2Regns     PhyloCSF approximate coding regions, Strand -, Frame 2
     PhyloCSF-1Regns     PhyloCSF approximate coding regions, Strand -, Frame 1
     PhyloCSF+3Regns     PhyloCSF approximate coding regions, Strand +, Frame 3
     PhyloCSF+2Regns     PhyloCSF approximate coding regions, Strand +, Frame 2
     PhyloCSF+1Regns     PhyloCSF approximate coding regions, Strand +, Frame 1
Raw PhyloCSF Raw PhyloCSF
     PhyloCSFraw-3     Raw PhyloCSF Strand - Frame 3
     PhyloCSFraw-2     Raw PhyloCSF Strand - Frame 2
     PhyloCSFraw-1     Raw PhyloCSF Strand - Frame 1
     PhyloCSFraw+3     Raw PhyloCSF Strand + Frame 3
     PhyloCSFraw+2     Raw PhyloCSF Strand + Frame 2
     PhyloCSFraw+1     Raw PhyloCSF Strand + Frame 1
PhyloCSF Power Relative branch length of local alignment, a measure of PhyloCSF statistical power
Splice Predictions Splice Predictions
     SplicePred-     Splice Predictions For - Strand
     SplicePred+     Splice Predictions For + Strand
-   Mapping and Sequencing Tracks    
Base Position Chromosome position in bases. (Clicks here zoom in 3x)
Chromosome Band Chromosome Bands
Gap Gap Locations
GC Percent GC Percent in 5-Base Windows
Assembly Assembly from Fragments
INSDC Accession at INSDC - International Nucleotide Sequence Database Collaboration
RefSeq Acc RefSeq Accession
Restr Enzymes Restriction Enzymes from REBASE
Short Match Perfect Matches to Short Sequence ()
Melting Temp. Melting Temperature Estimated by dan
RNASlider MFE Minimum Free Energy Estimated by RNASlider
-   Transgenic Insertions    
1M-8M Screens (R5) 1M-8M Screens (R5)
9M Screen (R5) 9M Screen (R5)
GAA Screen GAA Mobilization Insertion Sites
Chr4 Constructs Chr4 Constructs
Landing Pad Lines (R5) phiC31 Landing Pad Insertion Lines (R5)
MiMIC Lines MiMIC Lines from the Gene Disruption Project
-   Chromatin Domains    
Het. Domains (R5) Broad H3K9me3+ Heterochromatin Domains (R5)
BG3 9-state (R5) modENCODE 9-state Model for BG3 cells (R5)
S2 9-state (R5) modENCODE 9-state Model for S2 cells (R5)
BG3 30-state (R5) modENCODE 30-state Model for BG3 cells (R5)
S2 30-state (R5) modENCODE 30-state Model for S2 cells (R5)
Kc 5-state (R5) 5-state Model for Kc cells (R5)
hiHMM Models (R5) hiHMM Chromatin State Tracks (R5)
S2 Zhou 30-state (R5) 30-state Model for S2 Cells Created by Zhou and Troyanskaya (R5)
LAD (R5) Lamina Associated Domains (LADs) in Kc Cells (R5)
Hi-C Domains (Embryos) (R5) Topological Domains Defined by Hi-C in Late Embryos (R5)
Topological Boundaries (R5) Topological Domain Boundaries Inferred from Chromatin States (R5)
TAD Boundaries (Nuc. Cycle 14) TAD Boundaries in Nuclear Cycle 14 Embryos
HiCseg Domains (Kc167) (R5) Domains Predicted by HiCseg Based Hi-C Data for Kc167 Cells (R5)
MARs (Embryos) Matrix Attachment Regions (MARs) in 0-16 Hour Embryos
Polytene TADs (R5) Polytene TADs Identified by Hi-C (R5)
GCSDI Models (R5) General Chromatin Sensitivity to DNase I Configuration Models (R5)
-   Genes and Gene Prediction Tracks    
FlyBase Genes FlyBase Protein-Coding Genes
FlyBase Exons FlyBase Transcribed Exons
FlyBase CDS FlyBase Coding Exons
FlyBase Pseudogenes FlyBase Pseudogenes
FlyBase Non-coding FlyBase Non-protein Coding Genes
Drosophila RefSeq Transcripts BLAT Alignment of Drosophila RefSeq Transcripts
piRNA Clusters (R5) piRNA Clusters from Brennecke et al. 2007 (R5)
Pfam in RefSeq Pfam Domains in RefSeq Genes
UniProt UniProt SwissProt/TrEMBL Protein Annotations
FlyBase 6.06 Genes FlyBase 6.06 Protein-Coding Genes
FlyBase 6.06 Proteins FlyBase 6.06 Protein-Coding Regions
FlyBase 6.06 Exons FlyBase 6.06 Transcribed Exons
FlyBase 6.06 CDS FlyBase 6.06 Coding Exons
FlyBase 6.06 Pseudogenes FlyBase 6.06 Pseudogenes
FlyBase 6.06 Non-coding FlyBase 6.06 Non-protein Coding Genes
+   ChIP Seq Tracks    
-   ChIP-chip Tracks    
Unique ChIP-chip Probes Uniquely-Placed ChIP-chip Probes
Pausing Factors ChIP-chip (S2 Cells) Pausing Factors ChIP-chip in S2 Cells
-   Wolbachia Tracks    
wAna Alignments Regions with Sequence Similarity to wAna Genome Assembly
wRi Alignments Regions with Sequence Similarity to wRi Genome Assembly
wMel Alignments Regions with Sequence Similarity to wMel Genome Assembly
Wolbachia Proteins TBLASTN Alignment of Proteins from Wolbachia
+   Expression and Regulation    
+   MNase Tracks    
+   RNA Seq Tracks    
+   Comparative Genomics    
+   Variations    
-   Repeats    
Natural TE Transposable Elements Annotated by FlyBase
Interrupted Rpts Fragments of Interrupted Repeats Joined by RepeatMasker ID
Microsatellite Microsatellites - Di-nucleotide and Tri-nucleotide Repeats
Simple Repeats Simple Tandem Repeats by TRF
WM + SDust Genomic Intervals Masked by WindowMasker + SDust
RepeatMasker Repeating Elements by RepeatMasker
TE Density RepeatMasker Transposon Density (1kb window, 100bp step size)
Combined Library Repeats Identified by the Combined Repeat Library
TransposonPSI Transposons Fragments Identified by TransposonPSI
TANTAN Simple Repeats Identified by TANTAN
Tallymer Repetitive Regions Identified by Tallymer
RepeatDetector Repeats Identified by RepeatDetector
Inverted Repeats Inverted Repeats Identified by Inverted Repeats Finder
-   Updated Transcriptome Tracks    
Combined modENCODE RNA-Seq (Development) Combined modENCODE RNA-Seq for Multiple Developmental Stages
Combined Splice Junctions (Development) Combined Splice Junctions for Multiple Developmental Stages
modENCODE RNA-Seq (Development) modENCODE RNA-Seq for Different Developmental Stages
Combined modENCODE RNA-Seq (Tissues) Combined modENCODE RNA-Seq for Multiple Tissues
Combined Splice Junctions (Tissues) Combined Splice Junctions for Multiple Tissues
modENCODE RNA-Seq (Tissues) modENCODE RNA-Seq for Different Tissues
Combined modENCODE RNA-Seq (Cell Lines) Combined modENCODE RNA-Seq for Multiple Cell Lines
Combined Splice Junctions (Cell Lines) Combined Splice Junctions for Multiple Cell Lines
modENCODE RNA-Seq (Cell Lines) modENCODE RNA-Seq for Different Cell Lines
Combined RAMPAGE Embryos TSS Combined RAMPAGE Embryos Transcription Start Sites
TSRchitect RAMPAGE Embryos TSS TSRchitect RAMPAGE Embryos Transcription Start Sites
TSRchitect Combined RAMPAGE TSS (Replicate 1) TSRchitect Combined RAMPAGE Transcription Start Sites (Replicate 1)
TSRchitect RAMPAGE TSS Read Density (Replicate 1) TSRchitect RAMPAGE Read Density for Different Developmental Stages (Replicate 1)
TSRchitect Combined RAMPAGE TSS (Replicate 2) TSRchitect Combined RAMPAGE Transcription Start Sites (Replicate 2)
TSRchitect RAMPAGE TSS Read Density (Replicate 2) TSRchitect RAMPAGE Read Density for Different Developmental Stages (Replicate 2)